a day to remember.

  alright so today is officially my last day in rez.
i'm quite devastated but i can't wait to go home and enjoy my cute little town.
it's a funny thing, there really is no place like home.
i never thought i'd say it but i'm really realizing how i need to appreciate my parents.
i'm spoiled.
and i just realized it.
not a bitchy "mommy i want a pony" (british accent) but just a type of spoiled where they're far to generous. they love me , maybe sometimes i abuse their love. i'm sorry.

well nonetheless i can't wait to spend a day with my mom ,or watch a movie with them ♥
i can't wait to see my grandma's hand have them feed me with traditional ukrainian food.
i can't wait to take a fucking bath.
i can't wait to go to the beach and jam all the way there with my one love.

anyways picture time.





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