So not sure if you heard but the biggest fitness trend as predicted by the American College of Sports Medicine for 2015 is ........ Body Weight Training.
This is pretty exciting stuff !
I teach Yogilates part time which has actually fused more into a Yoga/Piltaes/Cardio/Body Weight Training class and i love it. I've seen amazing results in the majority of my clients from simple things like their attitude towards working out to a nice set of abs, needless to say everyone is different.
I just wanted to share my opinion on this type of workout because with fitness making a huge rise I want to share some of the benefits i've seen from doing this type of workout and from teaching it.
So with this type of exercise you build lean muscle with tons of endurance as opposed to bulky muscles that can lift a bijillion pounds 4-5 times. Think about Arnold Schwarzenegger VS. Bruce Lee ; lean muscles with loads of mobility vs bulky muscles with less mobility. I suppose it depends what kind of look you're going for because as we know men like to look a little big larger and women tend to prefer a leaner look.
Also, apart from the aesthetic of this exercise, what's so great about it that it requires NO machines, all you need is enough space to move around comfortably, some workout clothes and a yoga mat (optional).
I think a lot of people like this type of exercise because if they're motivated its easy enough to do in the comfort of your own home. Not everybody likes the environment a gym provides. Boys ogling your booty , touching the same machines as a 100 people it ain't for everyone.
Featured below is a four move workout that i really like, its challenging and almost everybody can do it.
If you're looking for the Article from which some of this information came from here it is. Meow.
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